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How do I contact an Advisor?You can reach us by calling (530) 225-4127 and leaving a voice mail, or by e-mail at
When does the post meet?Our post meets the first two Thursdays every month from 5:30 - 8:30 pm at the Shield Training Center, located at 4300 Caterpillar Road, Redding Ca. Please contact us via phone or email prior to your first meeting as the training sites often change.
What is the age requirement to join?New Explorers may join the post between 14 and 18 years of age and must still be in high school. Once accepted into the post Explorers may stay until their 21st birthday.
What is the process for joining the post?Prospective Explorers must attend three consecutive meetings and submit an application to join (available here). From that application a quick background check will be conducted to protect other Explorers and the sensitive information you will be exposed to. On the third meeting you will be interviewed by our Explorer command staff and be formally accepted into the post.
What is the cost to join?There is no cost or membership fee to join the post. There will be some minimal cost for uniforms and accessories that vary depending on where you purchase them. The post will not turn down anybody for inability to purchase these required items. A parent or Explorer can speak with an Advisor confidentially to obtain assistance to ensure nobody is excluded.
How do I request Explorers for my event?Our Explorers love working in the community and helping out at civic events and non-profit fundraisers. You can request Explorers to help at your event by filling out our "Event Request Form" available here. A monetary donation to our post is appreciated but not required. Please e-mail your completed request to If you have any questions please send us an e-mail or leave a message at (530) 225-4127.
Are there Covid-19 precautions in place?Yes! We still have COVID-19 precautions and procedures in-place. Our goal is to create and maintain a safe learning environment for both the explorer and families. Masks are required prior to arrival, Work area are sanitized before and after, Sanitizer and hand washing is highly encouraged, Social distancing when possible. With hands-on scenarios and close proximities all Explorers are encouraged to speak up if they're not comfortable and accommodations with be provided.
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